General Principles of International Law And Customary International Law
If you have been a law student, or currently are one, the chances are that you may have been required to prepare an essay document consisting of the general principles of international law and customary international law. In fact, knowing these principles is a basic premise for many law students, especially if they wish to further specialise in different fields of law study. However, admittedly, preparing a document of this nature can’t be an easy task, which is why students often have to rely on law essay writing services to provide them with the right kind of assistance and guidelines.
In simple terms, Customary International Law is a segment of international law itself in which legal teams deal with the principle and code of custom. It isn’t separate from the entity of international law; rather it stems from it since international law is itself a principle which recognises “norms of general or customary international law, which are then binding on all states”. These may be binding laws such as renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy.
The international law furthermore is reliant on four primary formal sources: treaties, customs, and principles of law. The fourth source, that of judicial decisions and the teachings of publicists, are segmented as “subsidiary sources”.
Furthermore, the international law has undergone further change, owing to the changes chartered by United Nations itself, which has set out the fundamental premises of modern public international law to promote human rights and national welfare of all citizens on a global scale. This has meant that there is strict limitation against the occupation of a territory by force or the use of power or authority on or against other states.
In this manner, international law has come to integrate many policies which are targeted towards the general betterment of the citizens. And the customary international law, a sub-branch of international law, are acknowledged by the global communal platforms to promote non- inviolable rights. Regardless of the codification of these laws, states are required as per the requirement of customary international law to abide by these.
A customary international law which is accepted by international communities is that of Jus cogens in which no derogation is ever permitted. In abiding by these laws, international communities are prohibited from indulging in activities of torture, slavery, genocide, crimes of humanity, etc. It is important to remember that these laws are not transposable, and all international communities have to follow it regardless of their domestic or international codification. The codification takes places through the passage of domestic laws and treaties.
Owing to all the technicalities that befall upon students to understand these they often find it hard to grasp all the complex nuances of the law subject fully. Also, when they are faced with the task of preparing an academic law assignment, the difficulty doubles for them, for which reason it becomes imperative upon them to seek professional help from law writing experts. Their proficiency and knowledge of the discipline of law allow them to pave their way towards academic excellence.