How to Get Your First Job in a Law Firm?
The study of law is extremely difficult. However, after years of struggle, you will finally get a well-paying job in one of the best law firms in the world. However, for building successful law careers, students have to get entry-level legal jobs. In this post, we’ll talk about some tips which will help you land your first law job.
How to Get Your First Law Job?
If you are looking for entry-level legal jobs, you should follow these tips. They will help you land your first law job:
Apply For As Many Job Openings As You Can – Including the Best Law Firms
You don’t have to be too detailed while applying for jobs. You can even do this when you already have a job and plan to switch. For example, if you are a lawyer who currently has no job, you can apply to several job openings. If you keep thinking about opportunities, you’ll become lazy and start delaying your application until the time when it’s too late.
When I was a lawyer who had just graduated from one of the leading law schools in the country, I applied for every opportunity that came my way. I always considered that if I apply for 100 jobs, I will get a response from just 10-20 companies. Once you start getting multiple offers, this is the time when you have to sit back and decide which option is the best for you. However, if you haven’t reached this stage yet, apply everywhere.
If you’re Not Finding a Job in Your City, Consider Moving to Other Cities In Search of Opportunities
Sometimes, the city you live in doesn’t have enough job opportunities for you. However, it doesn’t mean you should stick to living in your hometown without a job. In life, if you want to succeed, you will have to make an effort and take risks. So, if you’re not finding any jobs in your city, consider moving to a different city with more opportunities. Shifting to a new place might not be a fun experience, but it’s worth it if you get the job opportunity you sought and deserve!
Also, when you move to a new place and meet new people, you get to learn a lot. As a lawyer, there are many things you can’t comprehend alone through books and case studies. However, when you talk to experienced lawyers, you learn a lot. So, after all, moving out for better opportunities is not a bad option!
Getting Into the Best Law Firms in the World Is Not Easy
This is one of the most common issues with young attorneys. They have zero experience, but they only consider applying for top law firms. They disregard small law firms, even though it’s easier to get selected and learn a lot. Small law firms also offer better career growth, after which you can apply to the top law firms with better chances of getting selected. We’re not saying you should not go for the best law firms. However, expect rejection to avoid disappointment, as they only want to sign the most experienced and qualified attorneys.
So, if you get a job offer from a small law firm with a comparatively lower salary, you should consider it if you don’t have any better options.
Networking is Crucial
No matter how many great achievements you might have, you have to make yourself visible to employers and the overall law society. If you have a LinkedIn account, ensure you have at least 500 connections. Also, upload your certifications and degrees to your account. You should consistently maintain your CV and put it on your account, as it is a lot easier to apply through LinkedIn.
Now, apart from online connections, you should also build contacts with some high-profile attorneys who belong to top law firms in the UK. As a lawyer, referrals helped my career a lot. I made contacts with some of the best lawyers who saw my talent and referred me to some of the best law firms in the UK. Similarly, most lawyers who are at the best stage of their careers have benefitted from referrals.
Opt for Career Counselling
As a student, you might make horrible career decisions. There are many things about working at law firms you might not know. For example, when students cannot land a job, they start going for internships. While you’ll get to learn and work a lot there, internships offer you pennies as compensation. Also, you should know which law firms can help you grow. After completing your legal studies, it’s not necessary to become an attorney. You can also use your knowledge in the field of education and business. Therefore, before applying for job opportunities, you should consult a career counsellor to guide you through the different career paths.
Stay Motivated and Optimistic
Rejection is a part of life. In a job market where experience is always preferred, you will face multiple rejections. However, law firms are willing to hire fresh graduates and train them. Therefore, you should apply to every job opening, as we said previously. But if you miss out on a job opportunity, you shouldn’t feel disheartened or demotivated. There are many other options, and soon, you will find the perfect job for yourself. You should keep applying for more jobs and not give up. Optimism is the key in such situations. After all, the more positive you are, the better you’ll perform in job interviews.
Maintain Your LinkedIn Account
LinkedIn is one of the most important professional social media platforms. Not only are you able to communicate and connect with professionals from different fields, but you can also look out for job opportunities. You can also apply for jobs directly through LinkedIn, and you get notified if the employers view or download your resume. You can also get a swift response on the approval or rejection of your application. However, to connect with top law firms, you will have to maintain your LinkedIn profile properly. Here’s how you can improve your profile:
Write a short and eye-catching career summary
- List your skills
- Add certifications and educational qualifications
- Connect with more professionals
- Create an attractive headline
- Use a professional profile picture
- Explain every job experience you’ve had
- Explain your responsibilities and roles in your previous jobs
Mail Your Resume
Applying for jobs is straightforward these days. Therefore, many people don’t mail a properly-written job application anymore. If you want to get into top law firms, you’ll have to market yourself, and email marketing is one of the most effective self-promotional methods. Mailing your resume to employers is also a more professional and formal way to apply for a job. Mailing job applications show the candidate is making an effort to join a company. On the other hand, you can apply for jobs on LinkedIn with a couple of clicks.
Don’t Expect a High Salary at Your First Law Job
You won’t get a high-paying job in top law firms as soon as you graduate from college. Instead, you will grow gradually, as the first job you’ll get might offer you a salary lower than your expectations. However, at this stage of your career, money shouldn’t be your primary concern, as you are looking for a job that offers growth and learning opportunities. The weekly wages for newbie attorneys are often low. However, with experience and effective results, your wages will increase. Therefore, you should be patient throughout your career and work hard. Your wages will dramatically increase once you start winning cases and producing great results.
Proofread Your Application before Sending
Whether you are sending a job application or mailing your resume to an employer, you should keep your language in check. Your job application should not look unprofessional, overly buttery, or offensive. Once you complete your job application, it’s better to get it proofread by an expert. Also, make sure you are uploading the updated version of your resume. The template of your resume shouldn’t be flashy or filled with animations. Make it simple and professional. If you don’t know how to write an excellent resume, you should hire the services of a resume writer.
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